Nifty gay male stories with dogs

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Only few offers for resources materialized and commitments made by individuals weren't followed up. In 1996 Chris left the CMU and David asked help from the internet-community to find a new home for the archive. Later the archive enable WWW access and a HTML welcome-page was created to enable easy access to the archive.

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The university allowed Chris to re-open the access to the stories section.Īround June 1994 Nifty also enabled GOPHER access and about a year later FTP-access was limited to reduce the heavy CPU load on the system. CMU requested the hostmasters to remove the pictures because many of them were copyrighted and there was no age-restriction to the FTP site. The archive had to end public access to the site in April 1993 because Chris, his postmaster and also his boss received harassing email about the FTP-site. In March of that year they started the task of categorizing and merging of all uploaded stories. In 1993 the current webmaster David approached the initiator Chris and offered his help and support. The Nifty Archive started as a personal archive of both stories and pictures made available to the public via anonymous FTP at CMU by a student who became later a staff-member.

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