Valentines day gifts for gay men

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Listen for 7 Valentine’s Day Date Ideas for Gay Couples & Polycules Listen in for a fun way to initiate the money conversation with your partner on Valentine’s Day and get our best tips for having a budget-friendly, romantic night with the person or people you love.

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We challenge you to get active on February 14th, hitting the gym together or going on a hike-followed by lots and lots of good sex! On this episode of Queer Money®, we share seven of our favorite Valentine’s Day date ideas for gay couples and polycules, encouraging you to start the day with a little extra sleep and a technology-free breakfast in bed. How can queer couples and polycules create memorable moments together this Valentine’s Day? What can we do to strengthen our relationships and have a really good time-without spending a ton of money? So, you want to plan something special for Valentine’s Day… But it’s challenging to come up with ideas when COVID continues to limit what we can do. Valentine’s Day date ideas for gay couples and polycules

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